Dr Dieudonne Birahinduka

Pediatra a London


Dr Dieudonne Birahinduka esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Dr Dieudonne Birahinduka is a leading consultant paediatrician, based in London. Specialising in treating babies under one year of age, he provides newborn health checks, newborn examination, treatment for gastroesophageal reflux, and paediatric allergies among other paediatric treatments. 

Dr Dieudonne Birahinduka was born in Burundi, and initially trained in Moscow, Russia before gaining further training and experience in Glasgow, Cheltenham, and many London hospitals while completing his UK specialist paediatric training. He is well-renowned among the parents of his patients for providing a high quality service. 

Dr Birahinduka has been a consultant paediatrician at Northwick Park Hospital, University College London, and currently at Kingston Hospital, Surrey. He can carry out paediatric consultations in English, French, and Russian.

Dr Birahinduka is the chairman of PICHEAM, a registered charity helping to reduce childhood hospital mortality rates in countries with a high mortality rate due to treatable diseases. He has also published peer-reviewed articles in medical journals. 

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