Miss Ghada Salman

a London


Miss Ghada Salman esperta in:

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  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
  • Stato degli impianti
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Commenti dei pazienti

Huge thanks to Dr Salman, a wonderfully skilled, kind, approachable and talented doctor, who I have full trust in. My surgery went extremely well and the care taken by Dr Salman and her team is always exemplary. I am enormously grateful.

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Commenti dei pazienti

Recently had the pleasure of visiting Dr.Ghada Salman and I cannot recommend her highly enough. From the moment I stepped into her office, I was met with a warm and welcoming environment that immediately put me at ease. I underwent a HyCoSy scan during my second visit, and Dr. Ghada Salman was exceptional throughout the entire procedure. She explained every step clearly, ensuring I was comfortable and informed. Her expertise and gentle approach made the experience much less daunting than I had anticipated. Not just that, her experience showed when she found out that no issues to be observed contrary to a previous Dr findings. The follow-up consultation was equally impressive. Dr. Ghada Salman took the time to listen to my concerns and answered all my questions with patience and clarity. Her passion for her work is evident, and she genuinely cares about her patients' well-being. She provided thoughtful, personalised advice, demonstrating a deep understanding of my needs and concerns. Overall, the Dr is an outstanding gynaecologist who combines professionalism with a compassionate, customer-focused approach. I left feeling reassured and confident in the care I received. I should thank her admin as well Mariam, who was responsive and answers all my questions thoroughly and in a timely manner. I am really pleased and happy with all service and the care I received from Dr Ghada and her team.

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Commenti dei pazienti

Miss Salman's expertise in gynaecology is evident, and her genuine concern for her patients is commendable. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a top-notch gynaecologist who combines expert care with a warm, patient-centered approach. Thank you!

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


Otra información de interés de Ghada Salman

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