Mr Philip Toozs-Hobson

Ginecologo a Birmingham

Mr Philip Toozs-Hobson esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Mr Philip Toozs-Hobson is a renowned gynaecologist in Birmingham who specialises in advanced surgical techniques in incontinence and vaginal prolapse. His areas of interest include pelvic disorders, urogynaecology and laparoscopic surgery.

Mr Toozs-Hobson was the Clinical Director of Gynaecology, and Director of the Pelvic Floor Medicine at Birmingham Women’s Hospital before he resigned to concentrate on research and his clinical practice.

He has spent 15 years developing both keyhole surgery and vaginal approaches to surgery so that patients have a choice of procedure and choose how they would like to be treated.

Mr Toozs-Hobson is one of only a handful of urogynaecologists who has a Department of Health Clinic Excellence Award in recognition of his clinical expertise and for his commitment to improving women’s health through his research programme. 

* Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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