306 Articoli medici su Gastroenterologia Più di 7348 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

How to stomach gastroesophageal reflux disease

After a particularly decadent meal – heaped with fried garlic and butter and truffle mushrooms and followed by a thick chocolate mousse, perhaps – it would be normal to feel the urge to belch. And though it may be considered impolite, sometimes what has gone down will find its way back up. And sometimes it comes up burning, feeling like indigestion or heartburn. This is a phenomenon called acid reflux. While the occasional acid reflux is not something to be concerned about, acid reflux that happens constantly may be indicative of a disease called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Dr Ahmed Albusoda serves the need-to-know about this condition in a way that's easy to swallow.

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