Wegovy and Mounjaro injections: A new era in weight loss treatment
Here, weight loss expert and consultant general surgeon, Mrs Kalpana Devalia, discusses the effectiveness of weight loss injections Wegovy and Mounjaro.
Wegovy and Mounjaro injections: A new era in weight loss treatment
Here, weight loss expert and consultant general surgeon, Mrs Kalpana Devalia, discusses the effectiveness of weight loss injections Wegovy and Mounjaro.
Dr Philip Bazire
Nutrizione e Dietetica
How the Ketogenic diet can help you
The ketogenic diet, often referred to as the "keto" diet, is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that has gained popularity for its potential benefits in weight loss and managing certain medical conditions. The primary goal of the ketogenic diet is to shift the body's metabolism from relying on carbohydrates for energy to using fats as the main energy source. This metabolic state is known as ketosis. Here to tell us all about it, is leading medical weight loss specialist Dr Philip Bazire.
Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors
Nutrizione e Dietetica
How to stick to a weight-friendly diet
In this article, we outline some key nutritional options for weight loss, as esteemed medical weight loss specialist, Dr Philip Bazire, offers his expert insights.
Dr Philip Bazire
Nutrizione e Dietetica
The gut microbiome refers to the diverse community of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract. It plays a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and metabolism. Imbalances in the microbiome can lead to digestive disorders, inflammation, and compromised overall health, highlighting its significance for gut health. Leading medical weight loss specialist Dr Philip Bazire explains everything you need to know
Obesity: how can it be managed?
Obesity is a condition which can seriously hinder someone’s life, impacting their health both physically and psychologically. Weight loss can transform the life of someone suffering from obesity, improving both their health and confidence. Award-winning specialist in metabolic medicine Professor Carel Le Roux provides us with tips to effectively manage substantial weight loss.
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Nutrizione e Dietetica
The hypocaloric diet: tailoring weight loss
La dieta ipocalorica è tutto sulla riduzione di calorie a seconda delle esigenze di ogni individuo. Scopri questo modo ideale per perdere peso.
Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors
Nutrizione e Dietetica
Osteoporosis and its relationship with cancer: what can be done to improve bone density?
More than 200 million people suffer from osteoporosis globally and this problem is exacerbated by cancer. This article sheds light on this issue and sets out what measures can be taken to improve bone density in these circumstances.
Miss Ghada Salman
Nutrizione e Dietetica
Nutrizione e bambino: 8 consigli per una gravidanza sana
C'è tanta informazione là fuori per aspettare le madri che può essere confuso - che cosa è giusto, e cosa no? Guardiamo 8 passaggi che puoi seguire durante la gravidanza per assicurare che il tuo bambino abbia il giusto inizio nutrizionale nella vita.
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Nutrizione e Dietetica
Come evitare sensazione di gonfiore
Sensazione di gonfiore è un disturbo comune che spesso può essere facilmente evitato. Questo articolo fornisce alcuni semplici consigli su come evitare il gonfiore.
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