Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

What causes balance problems?

The ability to balance depends on various factors. This includes on how well the brain, nerves, eyes, muscles and joints, function, as well as the vestibular system, which is the group of structures behind the ear drum. Leading consultant adult & paediatric ENT surgeon Miss Victoria Alexander looks at the most common causes of balance problems in connection to the vestibular system, their symptoms and treatment.

Understanding pharyngeal pouch: Symptoms and treatments

In his latest online article, Professor Martin Anthony Birchall gives us his insights into pharyngeal pouch. He talks about the typical symptoms and clinical presentations associated with it and how it differs from other conditions, the main risk factors, what diagnostic techniques or tools are used to confirm the presence of the pouch, the available treatment options and potential complications.

What to expect when you see an audiologist

When you schedule an appointment with an audiologist, it's natural to have questions about what to expect during your visit. Here, leading senior clinical specialist audiologist and hearing aid consultant Mr Piotr Swiatek provides an overview of what typically occurs during a audiometry consultation with an audiologist to help alleviate any concerns you may have.

Breathing easy: Tackling nasal congestion

A blocked nose, medically known as nasal congestion, is a common ailment that can disrupt our daily lives and leave us feeling frustrated. Whether it's caused by a cold, allergies, or other factors, such as an array of structural abnormalities (e.g. a deviated nasal septum or enlargement of the sidewall structures of the nose called the turbinates), the sensation of struggling to breathe through your nostrils can be both uncomfortable and irritating. In his latest online article, Mr Matt Lechner delves into the causes of a blocked nose and explores effective ways to alleviate the symptoms.

Understanding acute sinusitis: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments explained

Acute sinusitis is a common condition characterised by inflammation and infection of the nose and sinuses. While it often resolves on its own, understanding the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options is crucial for managing the condition effectively. In his latest online article, Mr Premjit Randhawa explores the common symptoms of acute sinusitis, how it is diagnosed by ENT specialists, available treatment options, potential complications of untreated cases, and when surgery may be considered.

A brief analysis of hyperparathyroidism

A high level of calcium in the blood can sometimes be related to an enlarged, over functioning parathyroid gland, resulting in Hyperparathyroidism. This can often be detected by chance on blood tests, which might show a high calcium and high parathyroid hormone level. A high blood calcium level can cause various symptoms and potential complications. Leading ENT consultant Miss Natasha Choudhury provides a brief analysis of the condition, including details of surgery for Primary Hyperparathyroidism.

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