Più di 7440 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Growth delay: a cause for concern?

If you're a parent, you may sometimes worry about your child's growth and development. Children grow at different rates and at times it can be difficult to know if they’re growing enough. We spoke with a general paediatrician expert and expert in paediatric endocrinology, Dr Rajiv Goonetilleke to find out how a child's growth should be evaluated, some of the main causes of growth delay in children and how they're diagnosed.

Success Charity – life after cure of a childhood brain tumour

In May 2019, distinguished consultant endocrinologist Dr Helen Spoudeas led the launch of Success Charity – a charity exclusively devoted to improving the quality of life of patients surviving a brain tumour in childhood. We interviewed Dr Spoudeas to find out what support the charity provides and why such support is so desperately needed.

Why is my child not growing properly?

As a parent it’s natural to worry if your child isn’t growing as fast as you would expect, or is falling behind their friends at school. While in many cases short stature is due to short parental heights, some children can be affected by conditions that interfere with their normal growth. In this article leading endocrinologist Dr Helen Spoudeas explains what these conditions are, and whether undernutrition plays a role.

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