Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Duodenal switch procedure – switching things up in weight loss surgery

The traditional biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) procedure restricts the amount of food you can eat, and also reduces the amount of nutrients your body can absorb. However, whilst it is effective in enabling patients to lose weight, there are concerns regarding vitamin and protein malnutrition due to the amount of small intestine removed. Mr Kesava Reddy Mannur, a top surgeon, explains what the newer, modified version of BPD/DS surgery involves (the DS/SADI procedure).

Laparoscopy: an expert overview of the surgical procedure

Laparoscopy is a highly effective, minimally invasive surgical procedure typically performed to identify the cause(s) of abdominal pain and ultimately put a stop to the pain. In our latest article, revered consultant general surgeon, Mr Paul Leeder, details what exactly a laparoscopy surgical procedure entails, when it is recommended and how it is generally performed.

Weight loss surgery: What are the overall health benefits?

There is more to bariatric surgery than just using it as a tool to lose weight. Weight loss surgery can also prevent or improve health problems that usually go hand in hand with obesity, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnoea. Read more from one of our expert surgeons Mr Vittal Rao about why and how weight loss surgery is a lifechanging procedure!

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