Más de 6851 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Gilmore's Groin: Not Just Any Groin Pain

In 1980, Mr Jerry Gilmore, founder of The Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic at 108 Harley Street, discovered an underlying issue that was causing groin pain in top-level football players and using his skill and knowledge, he was able to treat them so they were able to return to the pitch. Mr Simon Marsh, surgical director of The Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic,explains what the condition is, how using the term to broadly describe groin pain is incorrect, and who is most likely to suffer from Gilmore’s Groin.

Personalised approach to GORD by an expert

While everyone experiences minor symptoms of acid reflux at some point, usually following a spicy meal, reflux can become quite problematic in some people when it occurs frequently and in some people it can completely disrupt their life. With a number of available treatment options, selecting one that is suitable and appropriate for an individual can be quite a dilemma. Providing some guidance, experienced consultant surgeon Mr Krishna Moorthy goes into the personalised approach to GORD in this article.

Abdominal pain: causes, diagnosis, and treatment

Abdominal pain, particuarly if persistent, can be a real cause for concern for many, and is most commonly associated with a more serious medical condition. Here, esteemed consultant general surgeon, Mr Charles Evans, provides an informative insight into what causes abdominal pain, what specific tests are usually required to detect the primary cause of abdominal pain, as well as revealing when surgery is required.

Gastric band surgery: all you need to know

Gastric band surgery can lead to a significant amount of weight loss and can thus reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. In our latest article, highly experienced consultant general and bariatric surgeon, Mr Shashi Irukulla, explains what a gastric band surgical procedure entails, reveals who the operation is suitable for, as well as outlining the potential complications of the procedure.

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