Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Liver surgery for metastatic colorectal cancer

Secondary cancer occurs when cancer cells, that began in a different part of the body, moves through the blood steam and start to grow in a secondary location. Secondary liver cancer commonly occurs in patients who have colorectal cancer. Leading London-based consultant general and hepato-pancreato-biliary surgeon Mr Deepak Hariharan explains in detail how surgery can be used to remove secondary liver cancer.

I have acid reflux. What foods should I avoid?

Patients who have undergone weight loss surgery may suffer from acid reflux, as this is a common side effect following this type of surgical procedure. On hand in our latest article to insightfully let patients know how they can relieve their acid reflux symptoms following weight loss surgery, is revered consultant general surgeon, Mr Michael Van den Bossche.

Gilmore's Groin: Not Just Any Groin Pain

In 1980, Mr Jerry Gilmore, founder of The Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic at 108 Harley Street, discovered an underlying issue that was causing groin pain in top-level football players and using his skill and knowledge, he was able to treat them so they were able to return to the pitch. Mr Simon Marsh, surgical director of The Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic,explains what the condition is, how using the term to broadly describe groin pain is incorrect, and who is most likely to suffer from Gilmore’s Groin.

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