Más de 6851 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

When is revisional bariatric surgery required?

Bariatric surgical procedures often produce amazing results for patients who have struggled to lose weight for a long time. However, some people find that the results do not last and they regain the weight. In his latest article, highly-esteemed general surgeon Mr Michael Van den Bossche explains what patients’ options are if the find this to be the case.

What is a sleeve gastrectomy, and how is it performed?

What is a sleeve gastrectomy, who is the ideal candidate for the surgery, and can it aid long-term weight loss? Find out the answers to all of these questions and more in one of our latest articles below, as revered consultant bariatric, laparoscopic, and upper GI surgeon, Mr Sanjay Agrawal, provides us with an informative insight into sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

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