Más de 6857 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Laparoscopic hernia surgery vs robotic hernia surgery: Which is best for me?

Laparoscopic hernia surgery and robotic hernia surgery are two minimally invasive surgical procedures for hernia repair. Both come with their own benefits and advantages. In his latest article, Professor Mansoor Khan explains both of these options in detail, including the differences, advantages of each and how the method is chosen.

Laparoscopic pancreatic surgery: Everything you need to know

Mr Krishna Menon, a leading consultant hepato-pancreato-biliary surgeon in London, discusses laparoscopic pancreatic surgery in this article. As one of the leading European experts who have developed the guidelines for this surgery, Mr Menon shares what the surgery involves and how it is performed, as well as discussing some of the risks and much more.

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