Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Decompression surgery to treat compressed sinal nerves

"Spinal decompression surgery is a common and routine spinal operation conducted globally. It involves removing pressure from the nerves in the spine, anywhere from the base of your head to your pelvis." Leading consultant spinal surgeon based in Cheltenham and Gloucester, Mr Alex Torrie talks about spinal decompression surgery; why it is done, what tests are done to diagnose a compressed nerve, and whether this compression can correct itself.

Understanding prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a common form of cancer in men, affecting about 20% of all men in their lifetime. Revered consultant urologist and surgeon Mr Christopher Anderson, practising in London, explains the condition in detail. Mr Anderson discusses the role of the prostate, how and why cancer of the prostate occurs, what the signs of prostate cancer are, and how it is detected and treated.

How important is it to treat a hernia?

A protruding lump caused by tissue and organs pushing through the muscle wall, might be a hernia. Affecting people of all ages, hernias can develop into dangerous conditions if they are not managed correctly. Mr Krishna Moorthy, highly esteemed surgeon, provides a comprehensive overview of hernias, explaining what are the causes, how important is it to treat a hernia and what are the side effects of hernia surgery.

Treating chronic pancreatitis surgically

The pancreas, both a gland and organ, has a vital role in the production of enzymes and hormones. When the pancreas becomes inflamed, it is a condition known as pancreatitis, which can be acute (sudden) or long-term (chronic). Esteemed Guildford-based general surgeon, Mr Timothy Rees Worthington discusses when pancreatic surgery is a suitable treatment option, how it is performed, and what can be expected from the recovery period.

Mostrando resultados 190 de 433

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