Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Genetic testing for breast cancer

We spoke with leading oncoplastic breast surgeon, Miss Christina Choy to find out more information on genetic testing. We found out exactly what is, what kinds of genetic tests are available, what the results of a genetic test mean and who should consider a genetic test to determine their likelihood of getting breast cancer. We also found out if a mastectomy is worth having to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Gynaecomastia why you have ‘man boobs’ what you can do

While there are many causes, enlarged breasts in men are simply a result of having excess fat tissue around the chest area, but the condition can cause feelings of shame, self-hate, inadequacy and embarrassment. The treatment for gynaecomastia will depend on what is causing it and it's severity. Professor Kefah Mokbel, a renowned oncoplastic surgeon explains more.

IBS in the coronavirus (COVID-19) era

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition, which tends to affect young working adults who are often left stressed in the workplace. Living with IBS during the coronavirus pandemic is also an added stress factor so we asked one of our leading colorectal and laparoscopic surgeons Mr Romi Navaratnam for his advice on coping with the condition during these difficult times.

Reducing the risk of breast cancer

By now you probably know that breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the UK. Although breast cancer survival rate is improving, it’s important to implement a range of lifestyle habits to prevent it. The experienced Professor Kefah Mokbel spoke to us about how breast cancer can be prevented. He is one of the UK’s leading oncoplastic breast surgeons.

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