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Weight loss surgery: Is it possible to prevent coronavirus?

In July 2020, the UK government launched a campaign to tackle obesity with weight loss surgery to help combat the health problems related to obesity, but also to help reduce the number of patients experiencing the severe symptoms of COVID-19. Obesity and becoming critically ill with coronavirus are linked. Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed, leading bariatric surgeon, explains the benefits of weight loss surgery in relation to COVID-19.

COVID-19 with obesity: what are the dangers?

Research shows that obese people are at a higher risk of severe illness with COVID-19. One of our top London bariatric surgeons Mr Ahmed R. Ahmed put his weight loss surgeries on hold during the first wave of the pandemic and worked in an intensive care unit. It was here where he treated many obese patients with coronavirus and he shares his expert medical advice on what seriously overweight people should do during these worrying times.

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