Articoli del medico: Mr Wissam Abou-Chedid Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Eco laser for benign prostate enlargement: how does it work?

Benign prostate enlargement, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a common condition in men, particularly as they age. The prostate is a small gland located below the bladder, and it surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate enlarges, it can put pressure on the urethra, causing urinary symptoms such as difficulty starting urination, a weak urine stream, and frequent trips to the bathroom, particularly at night. While BPH is not cancerous, it can significantly affect a man's quality of life. Leading consultant urological surgeon Mr Wissam Abou-Chedid explains how Eco-laser can be used to treat this condition.

Retzius sparing prostatectomy: a quick guide

A Retzius-sparing prostatectomy is a surgical technique aimed at removing the prostate gland while preserving the Retzius space, a potential space between the bladder and the pelvic floor. This approach seeks to minimise damage to surrounding structures, potentially reducing postoperative complications such as urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. Distinguished consultant urological surgeon Mr Wissam Abou-Chedid discusses the surgery, including its potential benefits and the ideal candidate for the surgery.

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