mieloma multiplo è un tumore che si forma a causa della presenza di plasmacellule maligne. Queste cellule si trovano nel midollo osseo.
12-03-2013 02-10-2023Mieloma multiple
mieloma multiplo è un tumore che si forma a causa della presenza di plasmacellule maligne. Queste cellule si trovano nel midollo osseo.

Paraprotein in the blood: is it a sign of cancer?
Dr Jonathan Sive
Some people make an abnormal amount of protein in their blood or urine, which is known as a paraprotein. We've asked one of our top blood specialists Dr Jonathan Sive how it is detected and whether it's an early sign of cancer. Mostrare di più

How has myeloma treatment improved over the last few years?
Dr Jonathan Sive
Myeloma, a type of blood cancer, has seen major advances in treatment in recent years, with patients living longer and with a better quality of life. We interviewed Dr Jonathan Sive, an expert haematologist who works at the forefront of myeloma treatment, for an inside look at the latest treatments available. Mostrare di più

Myeloma: The right treatment for you
Dr Jaimal Kothari
The symptoms of myeloma, the terminal bone marrow condition, can be relieved. There are aspects involved in the process that need to be carefully considered before starting treatment. The type of myeloma you have, your age and fitness levels are just some of the key factors that need to be assessed by a patient's healthcare team. Esteemed consultant haematologist, Dr Jaimal Kothari, has put together a comprehensive, reassuring guide to myeloma treatment that illustrates how patient quality of life always comes first. Mostrare di più

What is multiple myeloma?
Dr Santhosh Narat
Cancer can strike almost anywhere in the body – even our blood can turn against us. Multiple myeloma is a common type of blood cancer. How does this disease affect our bodies and can it be treated? We turned to esteemed haematologist Dr Santhosh Narat for answers. Mostrare di più
Medici esperti in Mieloma multiple
Dr Michael Potter
EmatologiaEsperto in:
- Leucemia
- Linfomi
- Mieloma multiple
- Disturbi mieloproliferativi
- Malattia di Hodgkin
- Anemia
Dr Salim Shafeek
EmatologiaEsperto in:
- Leucemia
- Linfomi
- Mieloma multiple
- Disturbi mieloproliferativi
- Anemia
- Trombosi
Dr Richard Kaczmarski
EmatologiaEsperto in:
- Mieloma multiple
- Leucemia
- Linfomi
- Cellule madri
- Anemia
- Talassemia
Professor John Gribben
EmatologiaEsperto in:
- Leucemia
- Linfomi
- Cellule madri
- Mieloma multiple
- Anemia falciforme
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Leaders in Oncology Care (LOC) - part of HCA Healthcare
Leaders in Oncology Care (LOC) - part of HCA Healthcare
95-97 Harley St, London
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Top Doctors

New Victoria Hospital
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG
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Top Doctors

The Droitwich Spa Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Droitwich Spa Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
St Andrews Rd, Droitwich WR9 8DN
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Top Doctors
Leaders in Oncology Care (LOC) - part of HCA Healthcare
95-97 Harley St, London, Central LondonEsperto in:
- Tumori
- Cancro al seno
- Cancro alla prostata
- Cancro del rene
- Emato-oncologia
- Oncologia medica
New Victoria Hospital
184 Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG, South LondonEsperto in:
- Cardiologia
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Chirurgia plastica
- Gestione del dolore
- Colonna vertebrale
The Droitwich Spa Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
St Andrews Rd, Droitwich WR9 8DN, Droitwich SpaEsperto in:
- ecografia addominale
- Addominoplastica
- Angiologia e Chirurgia vascolare
- Artrite
- Blefaroplastica
- Anca
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