A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. It was previously a popular treatment for recurrent tonsillitis, however, it is now used more for treating issues such as breathing problems when sleeping, or difficulty swallowing.
A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. It was previously a popular treatment for recurrent tonsillitis, however, it is now used more for treating issues such as breathing problems when sleeping, or difficulty swallowing.
What are the advantages of an intracapsular tonsillectomy?
Mr Sam Khemani
When it comes to removing the tonsils, most of us are unaware that there is more than one option. Expert ENT surgeon Mr Sam Khemani is here to explain the pros and cons of intracapsular tonsillectomy and how it differs from the traditional extracapsular procedure. Mostrare di più
Understanding recurrent tonsillitis and its complications
Mr Imad Amer
Recurrent tonsillitis is a condition characterised by multiple episodes of acute tonsillitis, leading to frequent sore throats and discomfort. Leading consultant ENT surgeon Mr Imad Amer answers key questions about recurrent tonsillitis and its potential complications for adults who may be experiencing symptoms or seeking information about this condition. Mostrare di più
When surgery is the solution: Tonsils and adenoids in children
Mr Ravinder Singh Natt
Tonsils and adenoids are important parts of the immune system during early childhood, helping to fight infections. However, when they become chronically inflamed or enlarged, they can cause recurring health issues that affect a child’s daily life, including breathing, sleep and overall well-being. In such cases, surgical removal may provide a solution. Mostrare di più
All about tonsils: When to keep them, when to remove them
Mr Parag Patel
Learn all about the tonsils, how they can be affected by conditions like tonsillitis, when tonsils should be kept and when they should be removed – and more – in this informative article. Mostrare di più
Medici esperti in Tonsillectomia
Mr Mriganka De
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Chirurgia della ghiandola parotide
- Collo
- Ghiandole salivari Chirurgia
- Chirurgia robotica
- Chirurgia tiroidea
- Tonsillectomia
Mr Harry Powell
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Colesteatoma
- Impianti cocleari
- Otite
- Tonsillectomia
- Perdita di udito
- Otosclerosi
Mr Stephen Wood
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Otorinolaringoiatria infantile
- Tonsillectomia
- Perdita di udito
- Sinusite
- Alterazioni della voce
- Apnea del sonno
Mr Christopher Pepper
Otorinolaringoiatria pediatricaEsperto in:
- Roncopatia e apnea
- Tonsillectomia
- Otite
- Perdita di udito
- Problemi respiratori
- Otorinolaringoiatria infantile
Mr Hugh Wheatley
OtorinolaringoiatriaEsperto in:
- Naso
- Tonsillectomia
- Collo
- Deglutizione difficile (Disfagia)
- Alterazioni della voce
- Disturbi della ghiandola tiroidea
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The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH
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Top Doctors
Spire Little Aston Hospital
Spire Little Aston Hospital
Little Aston Hall Drive, Sutton Coldfield, B74 3UP
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Top Doctors
The Droitwich Spa Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Droitwich Spa Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
St Andrews Rd, Droitwich WR9 8DN
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Top Doctors
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH, Central LondonEsperto in:
- Chirurgia spinale neurologica
- Chirurgia spinale ortopedica
- Cura maternità
- Gravidanza
- Scoliosi
- Fecondazione in vitro (FIV)
Spire Little Aston Hospital
Little Aston Hall Drive, Sutton Coldfield, B74 3UP, Sutton ColdfieldEsperto in:
- Chirurgia bariatrica
- Chirurgia generale
- Chirurgia ortopedica
- Chirurgia robotica
- Diagnostica per immagini
- Oftalmologia
The Droitwich Spa Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
St Andrews Rd, Droitwich WR9 8DN, Droitwich SpaEsperto in:
- ecografia addominale
- Addominoplastica
- Angiologia e Chirurgia vascolare
- Artrite
- Blefaroplastica
- Anca
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