Более 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

The end of blood tests? How DOACs are changing treatment for heart problems

​If you’re living with a condition like atrial fibrillation or thrombosis, it’s likely that you’ve been prescribed warfarin to stop blood clotting. Warfarin was the only available oral blood thinning medication for over 50 years. In recent years, however, a new group of drugs called DOACs have been approved for use in the UK. These avoid the need for regular blood tests, while reducing your risk of major bleeding compared to warfarin. We spoke to leading consultant haematologist Dr Carolyn Miller to find out when a doctor should consider prescribing one of these new drugs.

Thalassaemia vs Iron-deficiency anaemia: Know the difference

Thalassaemia is a type of anaemia that leads to a decrease in haemoglobin levels, causing red blood cells to become fragile and short-lived. Here, Professor John Porter, renowned consultant haematologist, provides an expert insight into thalassaemia, including how is it different from the more common iron-deficiency anaemia.

Все о трансплантации аллогенных стволовых клеток

Ведущий консультант по гематологии профессор Стивен Маккиннон объясняет процесс аллогенной трансплантации стволовых клеток, общую процедуру для ряда заболеваний крови и костного мозга.

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