What is face reverse?

Escrito por: Dr Bashar Bizrah
Publicado: | Actualizado: 20/01/2025
Editado por: Aoife Maguire

The term "face reverse" typically refers to surgical and non-surgical procedures designed to rejuvenate the appearance of the face and neck. As we age, the skin loses elasticity, and facial tissues can sag, leading to wrinkles, folds, and a tired appearance. A leading consultant rhinoplastic surgeon discusses four common surgical treatments that can help restore a more youthful look: blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), facelift, neck lift, and eyebrow lift.




How can blepharoplasty refresh tired eyes?


Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, addresses drooping eyelids and puffiness around the eyes caused by excess skin and fat. This procedure can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, depending on the patient’s needs.


For example, sagging upper eyelids can impair vision or create a perpetually tired expression. By removing the extra skin and fat, blepharoplasty enhances the eye area, making it look more open and refreshed. Similarly, lower eyelid blepharoplasty targets bags and wrinkles under the eyes, achieving a smoother and more youthful contour. Recovery typically involves mild swelling and bruising, which subside within a few weeks.


What does a facelift involve?


A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce sagging skin and deep wrinkles on the lower two-thirds of the face. It works by tightening the underlying facial muscles, removing excess skin, and re-draping the remaining skin for a natural-looking result.


Patients often choose facelifts to address prominent jowls, sagging cheeks, and deep nasolabial folds (the lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth). Modern facelift techniques focus on maintaining a balanced and natural appearance, avoiding the overly "pulled" look associated with older methods. The recovery process usually takes about 2–4 weeks, during which most patients can resume normal activities.


What issues can a neck lift address?


A neck lift, or platysmaplasty, focuses on the neck and jawline. It is often combined with a facelift for a comprehensive rejuvenation. The neck lift targets loose, sagging skin (commonly referred to as a "turkey neck") and tightens the neck muscles, creating a more defined jawline and a smoother neck profile.


This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who have developed bands or horizontal creases on their necks, as well as for those whose neck appears disproportionately aged compared to their face. Recovery time is similar to that of a facelift, with results that can last for years.


How does an eyebrow lift help?


An eyebrow lift, also known as a brow lift, raises sagging eyebrows and reduces the appearance of forehead wrinkles. Drooping eyebrows can give the face a tired, sad, or angry expression. This procedure repositions the brows to a more youthful level, smoothing out furrows and brightening the upper face.


Eyebrow lifts can be performed using traditional methods or less invasive techniques such as endoscopic surgery, which involves smaller incisions and shorter recovery times. Patients often combine this with eyelid surgery for optimal results in the eye region.


Each of these procedures offers unique benefits and is tailored to individual needs. It is essential to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine the best approach for your concerns and to discuss expected outcomes.

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Por Dr Bashar Bizrah

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