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What to expect from anal fistula surgery

Anal fistula is an inflammatory condition around the anus and it can affect a patient’s quality of life. Fistulas can cause intermittent discharge, bleeding, discomfort or generally make someone feel unwell, and they can be very uncomfortable. Any of the above symptoms can affect day to day living, such that patients seek medical help, sometimes requiring surgery. Mr Gordon Neil Buchanan tells us what is involved in a fistulotomy and what to expect with recovery.

What is a colostomy and what is it like living with a stoma bag?

A colostomy is a surgical procedure that involves the formation of a connection between the colon and the surface of the skin on the lower abdomen where a stoma bag is attached. Such a procedure can be temporary or permanent and is required in numerous circumstances, such as cases of rectal cancer and diverticular disease. Mr Gordon Neil Buchanan, an expert colorectal surgeon, explains the procedure and what living with a stoma bag is like.

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