Holistic psychology
Dr Priyanka Pradhan - Psychology
Created on: 10-27-2022
Updated on: 04-10-2024
Edited by: Karolyn Judge
What is holistic psychology?
Holistic psychology is an approach to psychology that integrates all aspects of an individual: mind, body, and spirit. This is based on the belief that we are whole beings with mental, physical, emotional and spiritual connections (for example, work, societal influences and personal relationships).
The objective of holistic psychology is to understand, through gaining self-awareness, how these different factors contribute to our health and wellbeing.
What are examples of holistic psychology?
Holistic psychology can take different forms, which draw from modern clinical techniques and management practices that are focused on wellness. These may include:
- Breathwork: Breathing exercises to disconnect from our thoughts and achieve physical relaxation.
- Stress management: Physical, emotional and mental strategies to reduce the negative impact of stress on our health.
- Mindfulness: Mental exercises to become aware of the present moment, reducing ailments that occupy and worry our minds.
- Cognitive behavioural therapy: Talk therapy to identify thought and behavioural processes that affect how we respond to challenging situations.
- Hypnosis: A state of heightened attention and concentration so that harmful behaviours and thought patterns can be addressed.
- Guided therapeutic imagery: A call upon mental images to produce a state of mental-physical relaxation.
Complementary modalities may be employed when appropriate, including balanced eating and muscle relaxation exercises.
Treatment is tailored to each individual's personal needs and generally incorporates various forms of therapy that are used in combination with each other.
What conditions can holistic psychology treat?
Holistic psychology can be beneficial for a range of mental health conditions, such as:
This form of psychology can also be used to manage physical symptoms that may have a psychological cause, for example, gut issues or chronic pain.
Additionally, people without a diagnosed mental health condition who wish to acquire self-awareness can also benefit from the support of a holistic psychology specialist.
What can I expect in the first session?
Each holistic psychology specialist will organise the first session slightly differently. However, generally, the specialist will ask your reasons for choosing holistic psychology, what your goals are with therapy, and if you have had any prior experiences with holistic psychology.
In some cases, you will also be able to try out a technique, such as breathwork or mindfulness.