Mr Christian Ulbricht

нейрохирург в London

MD MRCS FRCS(Neurosurg)

Mr Christian Ulbricht Эксперт в области:

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(21 opiniones)
Mr Ulbricht is exactly the kind of surgeon you want. He explains everything carefully, the pros and cons, and listens to your concerns. He isn't a gung-ho surgeon and (as far as I can tell) seems to recommend surgery only when it's strictly necessary. He's quite reserved, so wouldn't score tops on the warm and cuddly scale, but he does care about his patients and I would certainly recommend him.He operated on my back and pretty much transformed my life.
26th December 2015
Written by a private patient
This man is a genius and saved my husband's life. I would like to thank him for all the years he sat alone studying as a student and for working so hard to qualify as a specialist. I wish you every health and happiness.
15th May 2018
Written by a private patient
This wonderful man saved my mother's life. We are forever in his debt
3rd January 2019
Written by a private patient
I would 100% recommend this surgeon. I felt in very safe hands and had a better outcome that I could have imagined. I will be forever thankful for his expertise and skills, which essentially saved my independence / life.
25th June 2022
Written by a private patient
He is an excellent surgeon with excellent bedside manners, I came from outside london to see him and test says volumes
25th August 2022
Written by a private patient
He was very caring
16th October 2022
Written by a private patient
Mr Albricht was very clear and understanding of my needs and concerns.
30th November 2022
Written by a private patient
He is extremely competent but also humble.
9th February 2023
Written by a private patient
Explained the procedure in simple language so I understood everything involved.I felt safe and cared for. Thank you.
1st March 2023
Written by a private patient
As a nervous patient I was reassured by Mr Ulbricht. All my questions were answered & he regularly checked on my progress when recovering from surgery in hospital.
21st May 2023
Written by a private patient

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos


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