Dr Natalia Zarate-Lopez

в London


Dr Natalia Zarate-Lopez Эксперт в области:

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Comentario paciente

Every time I have been treated or seen by Dr Natalia Zárate López she has been very kind, caring and highly professional.

Подтвержденный пациент

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  • Ожидание в консультации
  • Состояние инфраструктуры

Comentario paciente

I highly recommend Dr. Lopez. Not only she is an excellent qualified doctor but also knows how to explain everything properly to the patient. She analysed all my medical records thoroughly, listened to all my explanations and provided me with the right diagnosis. Glad I found her

(24 opiniones)
I can honestly say Dr Zarate-Lopez saved my life. She was the first doctor who actually listened to what I was experiencing and since our first meeting has always gone above and beyond to ensure I get the best care and support. Even when it has felt like there were no options at times, Dr Zarate-Lopez is constantly researching and looking into new treatment options to try and ensure we are consistently moving in the right direction. I cannot recommend Dr Zarate-Lopez highly enough!
5th October 2021
Written by a private patient
She was very helpful and explained everything
23rd September 2022
Written by a private patient
I've been under Dr. N Zarate-Lopez for nearly three years. There is no denying that this Dr is a bit strange. She appeared to get my identity muddled and wrote to the wrong GP. The staff lied and stated I'd not attended several appointments which they had moved. I complained to her personally by letter she just ignored me. She had been very dismissive of my claims I may be having problems with TVT and stapled hemroidpexy I had years ago and have had problems with for years. I feel utterly let down by this clinic. I should have officially complained when I first had problems, rather than attempt to keep polite. She really has done so little for me, in fact probably made things worse by just not listening. I finally got diagnosed with rectoentrocele via a gynae intervention at another hospital. She still claimed that wouldn't have anything to do with my problems. This Dr. should be investigated.
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient
Doesn't seem to understand anything and is seriously incapable of listening. I saw her twice, asked my GP to refer me elsewhere. If she wasn't making decisions about my health - she'd be a joke.
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient
I am reporting this doctor to the gmc. If anyone else has had a terrible experience with her please report her. I know pals/the clinic will dismiss your complaint, but unless a significant number of people complain to the gmc, she will never be investigated.
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient
Really the worsT Doctor in the UK. Please do not go to see her. She does not listen. And makes serious mistakes that risk your life. She is not willing to consider the patient at all. I doubt these so - called five star reviews are from her patients. Why is a terrible Doctor who has been reported to the GMC working at UCHL?
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient
Having had enough one day I wrote a constructive letter to her, I know she recieved it because all the other professionals responded, she did not. She ruined my health and life, I am disgusted and shocked that even after reports to the GMC she's still able to practice. I do not feel like a person anymore and I hope one day she acknowledges what she has done.
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient
Doesn't listen - has ruined my daughter's life Will be making an official complaint
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient
I would not recommend this doctor as not only she didn't help me, but my meeting with her had a negative impact on my treatment and aftercare.
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient
She was very bad, unprofessional, never listened, thought she knew everything and just generally the worst consultant I have ever been under.
13th June 2023
Written by a private patient

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