An expert explains: How is radiotherapy used to treat bowel cancer?

Radiation therapy, also known as radiotherapy, is a common form of treatment for numerous types of cancer. We asked highly respected consultant clinical oncologist Dr Nick MacLeod to share his expertise on the use of radiotherapy in the treatment of bowel cancer, including how it may be combined with surgery and the potential side effects.

Breast cancer: an expert's guide

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK, with more than 55,000 cases a year on average. In his latest online article, renowned professor of surgery and oncology Professor Jayant Vaidya gives a comprehensive explanation of the different types of breast cancer, their symptoms and the treatment options available.

Ask a clinical oncologist: What are the side effects of radiotherapy for lung cancer?

Before you agree to any anti-cancer treatment, it is important to have a good understanding of the procedure and the possible side effects. Here, Dr Tony Mathew, renowned consultant clinical oncologist, provides an expert insight into the possible side effects that may occur with radiotherapy for lung cancer.

Prostate seed (LDR) brachytherapy: the advantages of this treatment for prostate cancer

Previously, highly-esteemed consultant clinical oncologist Dr Albert Edwards, explained what prostate seed or LDR brachytherapy is, how it differs from other brachytherapy treatments for prostate cancer, and how long the seeds remain active once inserted. In his second article in a two-part series, the Canterbury and Maidstone-based consultant looks at who is suitable for this treatment, what risks are involved, and what recovery typically looks like.

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