TIL therapy promising new cancer treatment explained

TIL therapy is an exciting new experimental cancer treatment that could help extend the lives of many cancer patients who fail to respond to standard treatments. But what is TIL therapy, how does it work and which cancers can it treat? Professor Hendrik-Tobias Arkenau, a top medical oncologist and drug developer in London explains.

Head and neck cancer: how can a clinical oncologist help?

Patients who have been diagnosed with head and neck cancer will be referred to a clinical oncologist and his team of experts who, together, will determine your treatment plan. We asked one of our experts Professor Chris Nutting about what treatment options are available and how are they decided upon.

Chemotherapy in early stage breast cancer: is it right for me?

What happens after you've had a diagnosis of breast cancer can be confusing and frightening. You may be wondering how your cancer specialist decides the next steps in your treatment plan regarding chemotherapy. Dr Mark Tuthill, an experienced medical oncologist explains what treatment options are available.

HPV vaccine for boys: a victory in the battle against cancer

You’ve probably heard of HPV. A highly infectious virus that is particularly dangerous to women, as it is connected to cervical cancer. But did you know that it is also linked to cancer in men? Thankfully, there is a vaccine for HPV and later this year it will be easily accessible for boys through a school-based vaccination program. Professor Chris Nutting is here to explain.

What is a multidisciplinary team (MDT) and why do we need them?

Nowadays, a variety of conditions are treated by teams of doctors composed of several different specialists with expertise in different medical fields. Why are these multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) necessary? Mr Nicholas Thomas, a leading London neurosurgeon and member of London Neurosurgery Partnership, explains.

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