137 Медицинские статьи на тему проктология Более 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Mastering inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) refers to conditions characterised by long-term inflammation of the digestive tract. The main types of IBD are Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. These conditions can be life-altering, but with the right knowledge and treatment, many people can manage their symptoms effectively. In his latest online article, Mr Andrew Brian Williams gives us his insights.

Navigating anal fissures: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

Anal fissures are a common yet often distressing condition that affects many individuals. If you are experiencing pain during bowel movements or noticing blood on your toilet paper, you might be dealing with an anal fissure. In his latest online article, Mr Andrew Brian Williams aims to provide you with a clear understanding of what anal fissures are, their symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

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Demystifying polyps: Recognising risks and seeking care

Polyps, although often benign, can pose potential health risks if left untreated. Understanding what polyps are and when it’s necessary to consult a healthcare professional is crucial for maintaining your well-being. In this article, we'll delve into the basics of polyps, their potential implications, and when it’s time to schedule an appointment with a consultant.

Insights into pelvic floor disorders

Pelvic floor disorders encompass conditions that impact the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues within the pelvic region. Here, Professor Charles Knowles, renowned consultant colorectal surgeon in London, offers an expert insight into pelvic floor disorders. He explains potential causes, diagnostic approaches, as well as available treatments.

Exploring common bowel symptoms

As a vital component of the digestive system, the bowel plays a multifaceted role in processing food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste. Here, Mr Parv Sains, renowned consultant general surgeon, provides an expert insight into the most common bowel symptoms, unravelling their potential causes and offering insights into their effective diagnosis.

Colonoscopy: everything you need to know

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure which helps to detect and diagnose conditions such as polyps, inflammation, or colorectal cancer, and is crucial for preventive and diagnostic healthcare. Distinguished colorectal surgeon Mr Sebastian Smolarek provides guide to the procedure, answering everything that you need to know, including what to expect, and potential risks and complications.

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