What is the exposure and bonding of a tooth?

In this article, Ms Lisa Greaney, renowned Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, provides an expert insight into the exposure and bonding of a tooth in paediatric patients. The London-based specialist discusses what the procedure involves, why it is performed, and if there are any alternative treatments, among other important points.

Sialendoscopy: A diagnostic and therapeutic tool for the salivary glands

A sialendoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a micro-endoscope to examine and treat diseases of the salivary glands. Here, award-winning consultant head and neck / maxillofacial and oral surgeon – robotic and facial reconstructive surgeon, Mr Konstantinos Karavidas, provides an expert insight into a sialendoscopy.

Sleep apnoea: Should I have surgery?

Sleep apnoea is a sleep-related breathing disorder characterised by pauses in breathing during sleep, where your breathing stops for a short time and then starts again. While some people’s sleep apnoea can be managed with lifestyle changes or the use of a CPAP machine, others may require surgery to help improve their breathing. Here to provide an expert insight into sleep apnoea surgery is Miss Lisa Greaney, renowned consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon based in London.

The Modern Facelift - Maximum Results with Minimum Downtime

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, causing wrinkles, sagging and jowls. A facelift is a surgical procedure that can help restore a more youthful appearance by lifting and tightening the skin and the underlying muscles of the face and the neck. In this article, Mr Chris McDonald, renowned consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Aberdeen, explains the modern facelift and its benefits.

All about temporomandibular joint replacement (TMJ)

There’s a variety of reasons why TMJ replacement surgery is required. Temporomandibular joint treatment to replace the jaw can take place due to an accident or jaw bone removal due to tumours, bone infection or arthritis. Highly-experienced and respected oral and maxillofacial surgeon Professor Andrew Sidebottom speaks to Top Doctors about what’s involved in the TMJ replacement procedure for patients who are due to have this operation.

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