Ask an expert: What causes wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow through the gums. By this time, all the other teeth are generally in place, so often, the appearance of wisdom teeth leads to oral health problems. Here to provide an expert insight into wisdom teeth removal is Mr Colin Harrop, highly experienced consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Get your full range of movement back with TMJ surgery

The TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, connects your jawbone to your skull, and is like a sliding hinge. Unfortunately, when a person has disorder affecting this joint, full range of movement in the jaw may be limited. This can lead to limitation of mouth opening and/or pain, and surgery may be required for a small number of patients in order to regain full (and painless) use of their TMJ. Highly regarded and skilled consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon Mr Ross Elledge offers an expert guide to what’s involved in this procedure in this informative article.

Pain, swelling and numbness: Do I need salivary gland surgery?

Pain, swelling and numbness are usual symptoms of pathological processes, such as tumours or infections, that affect the salivary glands. To alleviate these symptoms, diagnose conditions and prevent aggravation of these processes, salivary gland surgery may be recommended. Mr Robert Goddard, highly revered consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon, explains what this procedure entails and what patients can expect afterwards.

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