разрыв паха
![Surgeons performing Gilmore's groin surgery](/files/Article/imglist/1d24ba979684d4aa19495457e69b2543.jpg)
![Mr Simon Marsh](/files/Doctor/doctor_list/prof__20211018173711.png)
Diagnosing and treating Gilmore’s Groin
Por Mr Simon Marsh
Well-regarde consultant surgeon and surgical director of the Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic, London, Mr Simon Marsh shares his expertise on Gilmore's Groin, a condition known as the sportsman's hernia. Mr Marsh explains the exact set of symptoms Gilmore's Groin presents, how it is diagnosed, and how it is treated. подробнее
![Boy kicking ball](/files/Article/imglist/3f1ccb1f050cb6eb7c78c6f01b1daa3c.png)
![Mr Simon Marsh](/files/Doctor/doctor_list/prof__20211018173711.png)
Gilmore's Groin: Not Just Any Groin Pain
Por Mr Simon Marsh
In 1980, Mr Jerry Gilmore, founder of The Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic at 108 Harley Street, discovered an underlying issue that was causing groin pain in top-level football players and using his skill and knowledge, he was able to treat them so they were able to return to the pitch. Mr Simon Marsh, surgical director of The Gilmore Groin and Hernia Clinic,explains what the condition is, how using the term to broadly describe groin pain is incorrect, and who is most likely to suffer from Gilmore’s Groin. подробнее
![Mr Rishi Chana](/files/Doctor/doctor_list/prof_1004_20190410125308.png)
Do I have Gilmore’s Groin or a sports hernia? I can't feel a lump!
Por Mr Rishi Chana
Gilmore’s Groin, sports hernia and pubic inguinal pain syndrome are all terms used to describe injuries that involve the muscle, tendon and ligaments that make up the area that anchors the pubic bone and the lower part of the abdomen that connects with the groin. It’s a common cause of groin and adductor pain in athletes. Orthopaedic surgeon Mr Rishi Chana tells us more about sports hernia and what it feels like. подробнее
![A picture of a man in pain on the floor](/files/Article/imglist/0b4aa0318a59a71052ea24974569d73b.jpg)
![Mr Simon Marsh](/files/Doctor/doctor_list/prof__20211018173711.png)
Gilmore's Groin and hernia treatment
Por Mr Simon Marsh
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