Сложная беременность
What makes a pregnancy high risk?
Por Dr Srividhya Sankaran
A high-risk pregnancy involves increased health risks for a mother and her baby before, during, or after the pregnancy. Patients with high-risk pregnancies require specialised maternal-fetal care. Here, Dr Srividhya Sankaran, renowned consultant in maternal-fetal medicine and obstetrics based in London, provides a comprehensive insight into high-risk pregnancies. подробнее
Facing a high-risk pregnancy? Learn how maternal medicine provides expert support every step of the way
Por Ms Kenga Sivarajah
High-risk pregnancies are not uncommon – around 10 per cent of pregnancies are classified as ‘high risk’. While the term may seem scary, the wonders of modern obstetric medicine mean that mother and baby have better chances of making it through the issues safely. In this article, an expert consultant obstetrician highlights how maternal medicine can be utilised in every stage of a high-risk pregnancy. подробнее
Early pregnancy: what to expect during the first trimester of your pregnancy
Por Dr Amelia Davison
During the first three months of pregnancy, your baby rapidly grows, developing a brain, spinal cord and organs. Your body also goes through many swift changes, releasing hormones that affect almost every organ in your body. Dr Amelia Davison, one of our top consultant obstetrician and gynaecologists based in London, reveals what to expect in your first trimester and the tests you might need to undergo. подробнее
Врачи-специалисты в области Сложная беременность
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London
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Top Doctors
ObGyn Matters London
ObGyn Matters London
The Portland Hospital, 212 Great Portland Street, W1W 5QN
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Top Doctors
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH
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Top Doctors
The Kensington Wing - Private Maternity
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 3rd Floor, 369 Fulham Rd., London , Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Материнство
- беременность
- Многоплодная беременность
- Акушерство и гинекология
- Преэклампсия-это
ObGyn Matters London
The Portland Hospital, 212 Great Portland Street, W1W 5QN, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Материнство
- Диагностика при помощи визуализации
- Эндометриоз
- Миомы
- Акушерство и гинекология
- Женское здоровье
The Portland Hospital - part of HCA Healthcare
205 - 209 Great Portland St. W1W 5AH, Central LondonЭксперт в области :
- Неврологическая хирургия позвоночника
- Ортопедическая хирургия позвоночника
- Материнство
- беременность
- Сколиоз
- Экстракорпоральное оплодотворение (ЭКО)
- See more