Clinic specialising in
Spinal injections Spine Lumbar discectomy Lumbar fusion Laser disc surgery Kyphoplasty Spinal stenosisArticles
When back pain or related symptoms are caused by a herniated disc that is pressing on nearby nerves, a surgical procedure known as a discectomy may be recommended. Here, Mr Caspar Aylott, renowned consultant spinal surgeon, provides an expert insight into a discectomy, answering key questions regarding surgery, recovery expectations, and success rates.
Have you ever been told to 'stand up straight' or 'stop slouching'? If you have, you could be suffering from kyphosis, a condition in which the upper part of your spine curves excessively and causes your back to look more rounded than normal. Mr Caspar Aylott, a leading consultant spinal surgeon explains more.
Meet Mr Caspar Aylott, a revered and respected ...
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