Mr Andrew Miller

Orthopaedic surgeon in Newport

MB BCh BSc PG Cert Orthopaedic MSc FRCS (Orth) MD

Mr Andrew Miller areas of expertise:

Professional statement

Mr Andrew Miller is a highly-experienced consultant orthopaedic surgeon based in South Wales. With over 15 years of experience and an extensive academic and international training background, Mr Miller has a particular interest in hip and knee surgery and the treatment and prevention of problems, like trauma and arthritis.  

Earning his first medical qualification in 2007, Mr Miller trained in orthopaedics in Wales and Australia. He went on to specialise in hip and knee surgery. He earned fellowships to train in arthroplasty surgery at Tampa General Hospital in the USA as well as undertaking the prestigious Bristol Advanced Hip fellowship. He was selected from a national pool of candidates for the TIG Major Trauma fellowship at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. 

In his clinical work, Mr Miller pioneers joint replacement procedures that achieve an early hospital discharge. He is extensively trained in robotic-assisted techniques for joint replacements and ensures the highest standard of patient care is always met in his speciality.  

Additionally, Mr Miller earned a doctorate from Cardiff University and currently holds a position of honorary clinical lecturer. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers, notably on the benefits of injectable biological treatments for arthritis, targetting certain genetics to prevent osteoarthritis, and the advantages of partial knee replacements across all ages.  

Diseases, Medical Tests and Treatments

Other information about Andrew Miller

Source: All information contained on this page as well as office hours available, are provided directly by the doctor who has the ability to update them at all times in order to keep the information as accurate as possible.
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