Mr George Prezerakos

Neurocirujano en London


Mr George Prezerakos experto en:

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(8 opiniones)
I have seen many consultants over years as I have very complex back issues. This consultant is far the best I have ever seen. I would not hesitate to recommend him. He’s explains everything every step of the way. Fantastic manner and a complete gentleman in every way.
31st July 2021
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I am so glad I was referred to Mr Georgios Prezerakos as the engagement I had with him from start to finish was exceptional. I am in my 30's and suffered a prolapse disc which was high risk which made me very anxious and worried. When attending my first appointment with Mr Georgios Prezerakos I felt it was the most thorough, detailed and reassuring appointment compared to the advice I previously experienced with other consultants. I left the appointment feeling assured and that my upcoming surgery was being dealt with at the best level of care. Mr Georgios Prezerakos sent me a letter after each appointment which was very detailed. His attention to detail is truly exceptional and really takes his time to understand and listen to his patience. If I had a friend or family member needing a specialised surgery - I would definitely recommend Mr Georgios Prezerakos. I completed my operation with Mr Prezerakos at Clevland Clinic and I have seen a transformation in my life with my back and a great improvement in my mobility and I have had no more shooting pains in my leg. My entire experience was outstanding and couldn't be happier!
14th August 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
A great experience all round and the outcome from injections into my nerve have been completely successful. I have my life back!
27th September 2023
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Simply amazing. Thoroughly explained all of my issues, and options which in the end resulted in surgery. Filled with so much confidence going into the procedure, knowing what will be done and the recovery process. I can honestly say my life has been changed, and my issue has been completely resolved. Thank you soo much His team were fantastic aswell, and answered all questions and queries I had! The recovery programme has clearly been discussed, and all elements are covered.
2nd October 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Prezerakos is extremely professional and experienced in the treatment of disc prolapses He made me feel very safe and confident in the treatment plan, which we have devised together. He was always very attentive and supportive of my needs, answered all my questions and addressed my concerns. He gave me a lot of optimism and encouragement during my recovery and I truly felt in good hands. I strongly recommend him - he is one of the best neurosurgeons out there!
29th October 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Prezerakos is always welcoming, pleasant and empathetic. He always explains everything in detail in a simple and comprehensive way. I feel that I can trust him with my spondylolisthesis. I can highly recommend him.
4th November 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
I have been a patient of Mr Prezerakos for several years. I have come to trust his abilities completely. He is always willing to listen and answer questions ensuring I understand at all times his diagnosis and treatment plan. I value the fact that he is naturally inclined to a conservative approach - in no rush to operate where unnecessary. He is a great addition to the Cleveland roster
16th November 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado
Mr Prezerakos took a lot of time to explain my issues (slipped disc), with consultations, MRI, Physiotherapy treatment options - after which I opted for a discectomy, as none of the symptoms were improving without intervention and I was in too much pain to function normally. He gave me detailed explanations, reassurance, choice, and ultimately when I had my surgery, it went successfully and I am now pain free. I highly recommend this doctor for spinal care and I am so happy with my results.
11th December 2023
Escrito por un paciente privado

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