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Opiniones de los pacientes
B D. Paciente verificado
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Easy and quick to arrange an appointment. Unrivalled service from Dr Slavska, who took the time to listen to me, and who really knows her stuff!
N D. Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
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Very professional, understand and quick. Gave all options, gave treatment on the spot when possible. Lovely experience with Dr. Slavska and the whole Oak Tree Clinic
E D. Paciente verificado
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Thank you so much for being kind and understanding. HRT has really helped to get my life back.
C W. Paciente verificado
¿Recomendaría el doctor?
Comentario paciente
Excellent!. I was truly delighted by the care given by Dr Slavska, she spent time listening to me and provided me with a plan of care that has really helped. Her treatment has turned my life around, I feel so pleased that I finally made this appointment.