Mr Nikolaos Chatzizacharias

Cirujano general en Birmingham


Mr Nikolaos Chatzizacharias experto en:

Por qué es un doctor de primer nivel

Dr Nikolaos Chatzizacharias is a highly experienced consultant in hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) surgery, practising at The Harborne Hospital. His areas of interest include cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer)pancreatic and liver cancerhepatobiliary disease, and minimally invasive procedures like cholecystectomy and complex HPB surgeries.

His medical career began at the University of Athens, Greece, where he earned his medical degree in 2004 and later completed a PhD in pancreatic cancer research. Dr Chatzizacharias pursued advanced training in HPB and transplant surgery at the renowned Cambridge University in the UK and further expanded his expertise in HPB surgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA.

He is a fellow of both the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the American College of Surgeons. Dr Chatzizacharias is well-versed in both open and minimally invasive surgical techniques, including laparoscopic and robotic surgery. His clinical focus spans a range of liver, pancreas, and biliary conditions, both benign and malignant.

He is particularly recognised for his expertise in managing locally advanced pancreatic cancer and leads the dedicated program for this condition at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, which is one of the largest in the world. In addition to his clinical work, Dr Chatzizacharias is active in research, with numerous peer-reviewed publications and presentations at national and international conferences. 

His commitment to advancing treatment options for pancreatic cancer has made him a leader in his field.

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