Regent's Park Healthcare

Regent's Park Healthcare is a healthcare provider in the UK established in 2002, that focuses on cardiology services across its three clinics in Cambridge, Bournemouth, and Plymouth. Regent's Park Healthcare is the leading provider in the UK for managed cardiac services, and have a focus on delivering an excellent, cost-effective cardiac care.

Encuentra el centro Regent's Park Healthcare más adecuado para ti

3 Private heart clinics
32 Cardiology consultants
100000 Cardiology procedures delivered so far

Por qué Regent's Park Healthcare es un grupo de centros médico de primer nivel

Regent's Park Healthcare are committed to providing world-class healthcare to patient's with heart disease. They are passionate about delivering the best outcomes for patients, and that the patient experience is of the highest quality possible.

¿Hay una red de centros hospitalarios Regent's Park Healthcare repartidos por la geografía inglesa? Elige la ciudad que mejor encaje con tu búsqueda.

Unidades y Centros destacados

Peninsula Heart Clinic

Derriford Hospital, Derriford Road. PL6 8DH

Cambridge Heart Clinic

Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road. CB2 0QQ

Dorset Heart Clinic

The Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East. BH7 7DW

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