Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

How exactly is a cholesterol level test performed?

Cholesterol is a fatty, wax-like substance that is found naturally in the blood. Too much cholesterol, however, can pose a health risk and increase your chances of heart disease. In this article, esteemed consultant cardiologist Dr Rajesh Chelliah talks about the importance of cholesterol level testing. Dr Chelliah, who treats patients in Leicester and Nottingham, outlines what a cholesterol test entails and what to do if your test results are high.

Understanding your numbers: The life-saving power of cardiac screening

When it comes to heart health, knowing your numbers can protect you against unforeseen health issues. Cardiac screening is vital in understanding your risk factors for heart-related issues, especially for those with a history or likelihood of cardiovascular conditions. But what does it mean to ‘know your numbers,’ and why is it crucial for women post-menopause? Leading consultant cardiologist Dr Gosia Wamil addresses these important questions in this informative article.

Understanding chest pain: Cardiac and non-cardiac causes

Chest pain, often an immediate cause for concern, can arise from various sources, both cardiac and non-cardiac. In her latest online article, Dr Anne Griguer delves into the distinctive features, diagnostic approaches, and treatments for conditions like pericarditis, myocarditis, angina, heart attacks, as well as non-cardiac issues such as musculoskeletal, lung-related, and stomach-related causes. Recognising these differences is crucial for prompt and accurate medical intervention, ensuring tailored management based on the specific underlying cause of chest discomfort.

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