Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Pain relief after shoulder arthroscopy

Shoulder arthroscopy has revolutionised the management of various shoulder conditions, offering patients minimally invasive solutions and faster recovery times. However, despite its advantages, postoperative pain and inflammation can still hamper the recovery of some patients undergoing shoulder surgery. Where this happens, Joint injections can provide valuable adjunctive therapy in the post-arthroscopic phase, aiding in pain management and promoting better outcomes. In his latest online article, Mr Jeremy Granville-Chapman delves into the significance of joint injections following shoulder arthroscopy and explores their mechanisms, benefits, and potential considerations.

Limb lengthening in children: Balancing hope and risks

Limb lengthening surgery in children is a medical procedure designed to address conditions where one or more limbs are shorter than normal. This innovative technique offers hope to children and their families, but it also comes with its share of risks and considerations. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of limb lengthening in kids, exploring both the procedure itself and the potential risks involved.

Exploring bone fixation methods in limb lengthening surgery

Limb lengthening surgery, a procedure designed to correct deformities or enhance stature, has evolved significantly over the years. Central to the success of this procedure is the method of bone fixation, which plays a crucial role in stabilising bones during the lengthening process. In his latest online article, Mr Dimitrios Giotikas delves into the various methods of bone fixation employed in limb lengthening surgeries, highlighting their mechanisms, advantages, and limitations.

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