Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Grommet surgery in adults: What to expect

Grommet surgery, also known as tympanostomy or ventilation tube insertion, is a common procedure that's aimed to treat glue ear in adults. If you’re an adult with glue ear and you're considering grommet surgery, you may have questions about the procedure and what to expect. Leading adult and paediatric consultant ENT surgeon Miss Laura Harrison answers the main questions you might have before undergoing grommet surgery in this informative article.

Managing the stress - tinnitus/tinnitus - stress cycle

Tinnitus isn't necessarily the damaged caused, it's when it's triggered long after that occurred. And that trigger can be stress. Then of course, tinnitus can lead to stress. So, a frustrating cyclical issue can arise. Leading ENT specialist Professor Mahmood Bhutta tells us all about the tinnitus - stress/stress - tinnitus cycle, and what's involved in managing it in this informative article. We speak to leading ENT specialist Professor Mahmood Bhutta all about what happens if you're in the tinnitus - stress/stress - tinnitus cycle, and what's involved in managing this condition, which can have a significant impact on patient quality of life.

Sinusitis or the common cold? Common types of sinus infections and how to distinguish between symptoms

In this informative article, esteemed consultant ENT and head and neck surgeon Mr Priy Silva clarifies how sinusitis symptoms differ from those of common colds and flu. Mr Silva also sheds light on different types of sinus infections and defines chronic, acute, sub-acute and recurrent forms of sinusitis.

The benefits of parathyroid surgery

Parathyroid surgery is a medical procedure performed to address issues related to the parathyroid glands. They play a crucial role in regulating calcium levels in the body. When the parathyroid glands become overactive or develop abnormalities, it can lead to a condition called hyperparathyroidism. Leading consultant ENT surgeon Mr Ijaz Ahmad explores the benefits of parathyroid surgery and its significance in addressing parathyroid problems.

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