Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding child allergies: Common triggers, symptoms, and management

Childhood allergies are a prevalent concern for many parents, impacting the quality of life and overall well-being of their little ones. At Top Doctors, we understand the importance of providing accurate information to help parents recognise, manage, and alleviate allergies in children. In this article, renowned consultant paediatrician Professor Nick Makwana delves into the most common allergies in children, how to identify them, their duration, and effective management strategies.

What impact does ADHD have on a child's life?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnoses in children have risen significantly over the past two decades. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for managing its impact on a child's life; but how can this be done? Consultant paediatrician Dr Rashad Nawaz, who specialises in ADHD explains everything you need to know about childhood ADHD and its impact on a child’s life.

Helping your child beat constipation: Causes, signs, and solutions

Childhood constipation can be a common but concerning issue for many parents. It is crucial to understand the leading causes, early signs, and preventive measures to ensure your child's digestive health. In his latest online article, Dr Abraham Neduvamkunnil explores the causes of constipation in children, the impact of diet, recognising symptoms, natural remedies, and the importance of early intervention.

Iron deficiency without anaemia in children

Iron deficiency is a condition commonly associated with anaemia. However, it’s important to establish that there's a difference between iron-deficiency anaemia and iron deficiency without anaemia. Leading consultant paediatric specialist Dr Margarita Burmester tells us all about iron deficiency without anaemia in children. She looks at the causes, signs and symptoms, and more, in this informative article.

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