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Learning to cope with anxiety

Feeling worried or anxious about something every once in a while is completely normal because anxiety is a natural reaction to something that is difficult or deemed a threat. However, when those feelings start to dominate your thought processes, affecting your daily life, we can start to talk about anxiety and panic. Dr Justin Sauer, a leading psychiatrist, explains what anxiety and panic attacks are and how these can be better dealt with.

How to deal with anxiety

Feeling anxious is a normal reaction to a difficult or threatening situation. However, when anxiety becomes a regular occurrence in your life or a continuous problem; if it strikes in severe bouts where it feels like the world is going to end; if it is having an impact on your day-to-day life, then it is time to see a specialist. Renowned psychiatrist Dr Abrar Hussain is here to explain how to deal with anxiety disorders.

What is anxiety?

There are many psychological disorders that can affect our lives. While anxiety can just be a normal emotion that we feel in response to a difficult or dangerous situation, it can also be a very real problem if we start to feel anxious all the time, or experience extreme bouts of anxiety when the current situation doesn’t call for it. Leading psychiatrist Dr Abrar Hussain is here to reveal the truth about anxiety disorders.

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