Más de 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Transcranial magnetic stimulation and depression: How does it work?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an innovative, non-invasive brain stimulation technique which can be used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and PTSD. To learn more, we invited esteemed clinical psychologist Dr Justin Stephenson to give an informative guide to treatment for depression with TMS.

Psychosomatic skin problems (Part 2): How psychological techniques can help manage psychosomatic symptoms

The relationship between mental health and skin health is complex and, in some cases, psychosomatic in nature (connecting both mind and body). Following on from the first part, renowned consultant health psychologist Dr Sue Peacock provides an expert insight into how psychological techniques and approaches can help manage psychosomatic symptoms, in this conclusion of a two-part series of articles on psychosomatic skin problems.

Psychosomatic skin problems (Part 1): How mental health affects skin health

The relationship between mental health and skin health is complex and, in some cases, psychosomatic in nature (connecting both mind and body). In the first of a two-part series of articles on psychosomatic skin problems, renowned consultant health psychologist, Dr Sue Peacock, provides an expert insight into how mental health affects skin health, and vice versa.

An in-depth analysis of Adult ADHD: part 1

ADHD is a condition which is omnipresent in society, although people often associate it with children only. However, ADHD can also affect adults and be diagnosed at any stage of life. In the first article of a two-part series, leading consultant general adult and liaison psychiatrist Dr Nick Walsh explains the condition, including why ADHD may remain undiagnosed until adulthood.

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