Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Asthma: who does it affect – and why?

It’s the hottest week of the year so far in the UK, but with high pollen counts it’s bad news for those living with hay fever or allergic asthma. But why are some of us affected, and not others? Why do the symptoms sometimes get worse? In this article, expert respiratory physician Dr Syed Arshad Husain explains our current understanding of the causes of asthma.

Chest infections: frequently asked questions

Chest infections can either be mild, clearing up over time on their own, or they can become life-threatening. Although a common illness, it is important to understand when a mild infection becomes more menacing. Our respiratory specialist, Dr Anne Mier, explains how chest infections can vary in severity and answers the most commonly asked questions relating to chest infections.

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