Más de 6851 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Can we cure type 2 diabetes with surgery?

At the 2018 conference of the Egyptian Society of Obesity Surgery, one of London’s leading bariatric surgeons, Mr Ali Alhamdani, presented on the promises of mini-gastric bypass surgery – and the remarkable evidence that it has the potential not only to cure obesity, but type 2 diabetes as well. In our interview with Mr Alhamdani, we discussed the emerging theories behind this extraordinary link, and what this could mean for the future of diabetes treatment.

How the Elipse™ balloon provides an alternative weight-loss solution

Obesity is considered to be an epidemic in the UK with an estimated 1 in 4 adults affected. After smoking, obesity is the greatest leading cause of early death. Many patients require medical assistance to lose their weight and whilst obesity surgery can be very successful, it comes with the risks of surgery, as well as a recovery time to handle. However, the Elipse™ balloon for weight loss presents patients with a novel alternative – weight loss without the need for surgery or extreme dieting. Mr Michael Van den Bossche, a leading surgeon with expertise in weight loss, now runs a monthly session at his practice for the Elipse balloon.

The bottom line on haemorrhoids

If you haven’t had haemorrhoids, you probably know someone who has, as they are the leading cause of rectal bleeding. Whilst they are not always a serious problem, sometimes they do require more than just conservative treatments. Mr Amit Patel, a leading general and colorectal surgeon, explains how haemorrhoids become problematic and what treatments are available, ranging from conservative measures to surgical interventions.

A whole new world for haemorrhoid surgery

Haemorrhoids or piles are an irritating and often painful condition affecting many people. Swollen blood vessels around the anus can become inflamed, leading to itching, soreness, and bleeding. If the symptoms worsen, affecting the patient’s life and other treatments aren’t working, surgery may be needed. Top surgeon Mr Arif Khan explains the different approaches to haemorrhoid surgery.

EPSiT: a way to treat pilonidal sinuses

A pilonidal sinus is a small tunnel that develops in the skin between the buttocks that can be prone to infection and inflammation. They are common in people who live a sedentary lifestyle, or those who sit down a lot, such as lorry drivers. Mr Tan Arulampalam, a leading surgeon, explains how pilonidal sinuses can be treated and reviews the option of endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment (EPSiT).

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