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Robots and colorectal surgery

Sometimes people experience worrying changes in their bowels, like a change in bowel movements, diarrhoea or even blood in their stools. They may also feel that they have a huge mass within their tummy and experience unusual cramps and pains. All of these symptoms will require further investigating. Mr Charles Evans, colorectal cancer specialist talks to us about detecting colorectal cancer and the use of robotics in colorectal surgery.

Appendicitis symptoms, causes and prevention

The appendix is a very small pouch that is attached to the large bowel, however, nobody knows what its exact purpose is. We do, however, know that removing the appendix is not harmful. Sometimes the appendix can become inflamed, which requires urgent medical attention. This is known as appendicitis. Mr James Kirkby-Bott, an experienced general surgeon, provides us with a summary of this condition, which is one to be aware of.

Improving outcomes for patients with bowel cancer and liver metastases

Unfortunately, depending on the stage of colorectal cancer, it can metastases to other parts of the body, which is commonly the liver. Despite the challenges seen in treating this difficult diagnosis, advancements in surgery and improvements in understanding how to target liver metastases have given patients a better outlook. Here we learn from a top hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeon, Mr Nicola de’ Liguori Carino, how colorectal cancer and liver metastases are treated.

Breast reconstruction after a lumpectomy

The purpose of a breast lumpectomy is to remove breast tissue to clear a patient of breast cancer. Another name for it is a wide local excision. It is best for smaller breast cancers. The cancer can be safely removed with a margin of normal breast tissue, without causing damage to the remainder of the breast. Mr Seni Myvaganam tells us more about breast reconstruction, following a lumpectomy.

What happens when bowel cancer metastasises to the liver?

Some patients diagnosed with colorectal (bowel) cancer, also present with liver metastases. The liver is the most common site in the body of patients with bowel cancer for metastasis to occur due to its anatomical location. Whilst this can be a very challenging diagnosis to be given, treatment can be possible, as well as cure. Mr Nicola de’ Liguori Carino, an experienced hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeon, explains how liver metastases are identified and treated in patients with colorectal cancer.

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