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Irreversible electroporation and the nanoknife

Cancer is an ever-present danger to our health, affecting thousands of people in the UK, and capable of appearing in almost any part of the body. New treatments are always being researched and developed to combat cancer. Could electrical pulses provide an answer to those cancers that are difficult to treat with surgery or chemotherapy? We asked expert surgeon Mr Nicola de’ Liguori Carino.

How common is varicocele and will I require surgery?

Varicocele is a condition where the veins responsible for delivering blood from the male testicles to the main systemic veins, develop faulty valves. This consequently leads to pooling of blood within the veins surrounding the testicles and eventually their engorgement and dilatation. We asked interventional radiologist Dr Sami Abdelghaffar to answer some questions about varicocele.

What are the possible complications of an ERCP?

ERCP test is a common treatment used by gastroenterologists and general surgeons to diagnose conditions of the liver, pancreas or gall bladder, including bile duct cancer. However, as with all surgical procedures, there runs a risk of complications. Leading surgeon Mr Joseph Varghese believes that all patients have the right to know the risks of any procedure before consenting. Here he explains more...

What is endocrine surgery? An expert’s guide to the thyroid and parathyroid glands

Endocrine surgery is surgery performed to remove all or part of an abnormal endocrine gland. Endocrine glands secrete hormones that have an effect on the way the body works away from the vicinity of the gland secreting the hormone. Examples of endocrine glands include the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Expert endocrine and general surgeon Mr James Kirkby-Bott explains:

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