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What’s the difference between a gastric balloon and a gastric band?

Weight loss can be a difficult task to accomplish by yourself and eventually some people are left with the choice of opting for a gastric band or gastric balloon to shift the excess weight and to keep the weight off long term. Mr Samer Humadi compares the gastric balloon and gastric band procedures and the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Your checklist: what to ask your LASEK surgeon

You probably have numerous questions circling your mind prior to your LASEK eye surgey. Dr CT Pillai, one of the most experienced laser eye surgeons in the UK has provided answers to a small list of questions which will help inform you better about your upcoming LASEK eye surgery, including what results to expect, if there are any potential risks and how long the results last.

The Lift-and-Fill Facelift: ready to rejuvenate your look?

A lift-and-fill facelift is a modern approach to facial rejuvenation by tightening and lifting skin and soft tissues, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance. Mr William Townley, a consultant plastic surgeon in London explains why the lift-and-fill facelift has gained popularity over recent years and what you can expect after the procedure.

WALANT: wide-awake hand surgery. Why is it done?

WALANT hand surgery allows patients to undergo hand surgery whilst being wide-awake. For some operations, the ability of a patient to move his or her fingers during the procedure can be extremely helpful. Mr Ian Grant explains to our readers why this is an advantage for both surgeons and patients and what the additional economic and eco-friendly benefits to this surgery are.

Tummy tuck: il costo, i rischi e la scelta del chirurgo giusto

Sia gli uomini che le donne vogliono sfoggiare un addome piatto, attraente e dall'aspetto teso. Quando la dieta e l'esercizio fisico non sono più efficaci, la risposta potrebbe essere l'addome tuck. Rob Winterton, un consulente plastico, ricostruttivo e chirurgo della mano, ci consiglia sui costi di un intervento regolare, sui rischi e su come trovare il chirurgo giusto per voi.

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