Artículos del centro: The Clementine Churchill Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Keyhole surgery for colorectal cancer: Insights and considerations

In his latest online article, Mr Alistair Slesser gives us his insight into keyhole surgery for colorectal cancer. He talks about how the surgery is performed, how effective keyhole surgery is, if some patients are more suitable to traditional surgery, the chances of being cured after undergoing keyhole surgery and the associated risks.

An expert's guide to ultra-processed foods and gut health

The saying ‘you are what you eat’ is a contemporary adage first coined in 1825 by a Parisian gentleman called Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. As our knowledge of the link between food and our gut microbiota grows rapidly, this aphorism seems more and more poignant. Over the past 30 years, we have undergone significant lifestyle and dietary changes. There have been concerns raised about how the increase in processed foods in our diet, which is often a result of urbanisation and westernisation, may affect our gut health. In his latest online article, leading consultant gastroenterologist Dr Ravi Misra explains the different food groups and their impact on our gut health.

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