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Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding prenatal diagnosis: Techniques, benefits, and ethical considerations

Prenatal diagnosis involves medical procedures and tests conducted during pregnancy to detect genetic disorders, birth defects, or other conditions in the fetus. These assessments help expectant parents make informed decisions about their pregnancy and potential interventions. Leading consultant in obstetrics and maternal and foetal medicine Dr Panicos Shangaris explains everything you need to know about prenatal diagnosis.

Breakthroughs in advanced bladder cancer treatment

Discover the latest developments in advanced bladder cancer treatments, including new drugs and personalised approaches. Explore how these advancements are changing the way we manage advanced stages of the condition and what it means for patients. In his latest online article, Dr Mark Tuthill navigates through the practical aspects of these breakthroughs and their potential impact on bladder cancer treatment.

The gut microbiome: explained

The gut microbiome refers to the diverse community of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract. It plays a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and metabolism. Imbalances in the microbiome can lead to digestive disorders, inflammation, and compromised overall health, highlighting its significance for gut health. Leading medical weight loss specialist Dr Philip Bazire explains everything you need to know

Exploring cryosurgery for mole removal: What you need to know

Concerns about mole removal are common among patients. Many individuals seek options that are effective yet minimally invasive. Cryosurgery is one such method that has gained popularity for its simplicity and efficacy in treating certain types of moles. In this article, we will explore what cryosurgery entails, its benefits, and what patients can expect during and after the procedure.

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